Thursday, August 9, 2012

Apple iOS 6 will Remove YouTube app

Reports from Apple and Google claim that there won’t be YouTube app as default equipment in the next generation of iPhone, or any other i–devices with iOS6 operation system from apple, which makes people recall of the fracas between the two companies to be one of the reasons. The next iPhone which is said to schedule for release in fall this year, will for the first time not include a built-in YouTube client. However, it is said that the update version of iOS5 won’t exclude this app from YouTube.
ios 6 youtube app

“Our license to include the YouTube app in iOS has ended, customers can use YouTube in the Safari browser and Google is working on a new YouTube app to be on the App Store,” Apple spokesperson Trudy Muller told Macworld.

Many people are trying to figure out the reasons for such deed from Apple, since Apple and Google have been in a subtle and cooperation relationship for years. But as Google’s promotion of its own Android smartphone-Nexus, etc. which is thought to be copycat of iPhone, and the fracas over the years leads to the breakup.

In addition, Apple also removed the Google Map app from i-devices as well. People said Apple need no help from Google.
gogle map app
Well, though big changes will take place in the soon-coming iPhone and new iPad, there is no need of worrying about what the users' should do because of the removal of such apps. The fact is, as a third-party supplier, Google will develop its own app for maps or for YouTube for users. To some extent, users of i-devices would even feel more comfortable since there’s YouTube sharing app from app store without the built-in one. Moreover, Google’ app will more than likely include additional features, such as its own notifications and ad integration.

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